Article 1. Charges,
Taxes and Fees 1
17-101. Charges, taxes and fees established. 1
Article 2. Expiration and Renewal 2
17-201. Expiration and renewal. 2
Article 3. Specific Charges, Taxes, Fees and Certain Salaries 3
17-301. Adult entertainment establishments. 3
17-303. Alcoholic liquor; temporary permits to
sell or serve. 3
17-306. Animal impoundments. 3
17-309. Planning Commission and Board of Zoning
Appeals Fees 4
17-311. Building reinspection fee/non-business
hours. 5
17-312. Business registration fees. 5
17-313. Caterers selling or serving alcoholic
liquor. 5
17-314. Cereal malt beverages. 5
17-317. Contractors performing work within the
city. 6
17-318. Councilpersons salary. 7
17-319. Court fees; miscellaneous. 7
17-320. Court fines; public offenses. 8
17-325. Door to door sales. 10
17-327. Drain laying reinspection/non-business
hours; fee. 10
17-328. Drinking establishments. 10
17-332. Electrical permits. 11
17-333. Electrical reinspection/non-business
hours; fee. 11
17-335. Erotic dance studios. 11
17-336. Excavation reinspection/non-business
hours; fee. 11
17-337. Excavation permits. 11
17-340. Fingerprint processing fees. 12
17-341. Fireworks sales permits. 12
17-342. Haysville activity center and pool
usage and rental 12
17-343. Historic district appeal. 14
17-344. Ice cream vendor – mobile; license. 14
17-345. Insufficient funds check charge. 14
17-347. Landlord guarantee. 14
17-348. Landscape plan review. 15
17-349. Manufactured home inspection fee. 15
17-350. Manufactured home parks, trailer parks;
fee. 15
17-352. Mechanical permits. 15
17-353. Mechanical reinspection/non-business
hours; fee. 15
17-354. Mobile food vendors; fee. 15
17-355. Municipal judge pro tempore; fee. 15
17-358. Pawnbrokers and precious metal dealers. 16
17-359. Permits for construction of public sidewalks,
curbs, gutters or private driveways cutting through or passing over public
sidewalks, curbs or gutters. 16
17-360. Plagens-Carpenter Sports Complex usage
fees. 16
17-363. Plumbing reinspection/non-business
hours; fee. 17
17-365. Private sewage disposal systems; permit
and inspection. 17
17-366. Probation violation. 17
17-367. Public defender/conflicts counsel; fee. 17
17-368. Records inspection and copying. 17
17-369. Recreational vehicle temporary permit
fee. 18
17-371. Retail liquor occupation/license tax. 18
17-372. Roofing and siding permits. 18
17-373. Senior center building rental. 19
17-376. Special event permits. 19
17-377. Sprinkler systems; underground. 19
17-380. Temporary commercial water service
rates. 20
17-381. Temporary portable business permit
fees. 20
17-382. Temporary residential water service. 20
17-383. Temporary sales fees. 21
17-385. Transient guest tax. 21
17-388. Water customer non-payment penalty. 22
17-389. Water meter calibration. 22
17-390. Water service rates. 22
17-391. Water set-up and service transfer fees. 22
17-392. Well permits; water. 23