CHAPTER 17. FEE SCHEDULECHAPTER 17. FEE SCHEDULE\Article 3. Specific Charges, Taxes, Fees and Certain Salaries

The annual license fee required by section 5-704 of this code for adult entertainment establishments shall be two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).

The annual license fee required by section 5-704 of this code for adult hotels shall be two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).

The fee required by section 3-420 of this code to be paid to the city by each applicant for a temporary permit to sell or serve alcoholic liquor by the drink (including beer containing more than three and two-tenths percent [3.2 percent] of alcohol by weight) shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day (K.S.A. 41-1201 et seq.).

(Code 2024)

The animal impound fees required to be paid by section 2-210 of this code are separate from fines or costs assessed for conviction of any section of this code, and shall be charged to the individual claiming such animal from the City’s impound facility. The fees as provided in this section shall be:

(a)   First impoundment. A twenty-five dollar ($25.00) impound fee, together with a food fee of one dollar ($1.00) per day for each day of impoundment, shall be charged for each animal impounded for the first time, for the first five (5) full days of impoundment. Each subsequent day, or partial day, of impoundment shall be five dollars ($5.00) per day of impoundment.

(b)   Second impoundment, within a twelve (12) month period. A fifty dollar ($50.00) impound fee, together with a food fee of one dollar ($1.00) per day for each day of impoundment, shall be charged for each animal impounded for a second time, for the first five (5) full days of impoundment. Each subsequent day, or partial day, of impoundment shall be five dollars ($5.00) per day of impoundment.

(c)   Third impoundment, within a twelve (12) month period. A seventy five dollar ($75.00) impound fee, together with a food fee of one dollar ($1.00) per day for each day of impoundment, shall be charged for each animal impounded for a third time, for the first five (5) full days of impoundment. Each subsequent day, or partial day, of impoundment shall be five dollars ($5.00) per day of impoundment.

(d)   Fourth and subsequent impoundments, within a twelve (12) month period. A one hundred dollar ($100.00) impound fee, together with a food fee of five dollars ($5.00) per day for each day, or partial day, of impoundment, shall be charged for each animal impounded for a fourth and any subsequent time within a calendar year.

(e)   All impound fees and City animal registration fees shall be collected by the City, and the receipt shown to the City Animal Control Officer(s) or their designee, prior to any animal being released from impound. Such fee may only be waived by court order.

(f)   Owners/harborers of impounded animals shall not avoid liability for the costs incurred in impoundment of their animal by failing to recover such animal(s) from the City or due to lawful destruction of the animal pursuant to any provision of this Code. Such fees are administrative and mandatory and are separate from any sentence imposed in an action for violation of this code. Such unpaid fees may be submitted to the municipal court for collection as part of a code violation or to the city clerk for collection in the manner of unpaid utilities.

(Code 2015; Code 2024)

Each applicant to whom the city clerk issues an auction permit pursuant to section 5-502 of this code shall pay to the city clerk a permit fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).


Appeals of Administrative Interpretations


Conditional Use




Change of Zoning Classification


Planned Unit Development – Application


Plat – Subdivision Application


Lot Split




Street Name Change


Landscape Plan Review


Administrative Adjustment



$500 first offense

$750 second offense

Wireless - Modification


Wireless – Collocation Application


(which is not a substantial modification)

Wireless – New Structure Application


(or for a collocation that is a substantial modification of a wireless support structure)

Additional publication fee


Code 2022; Ord. 1103; Code 2025)

Fees for building permits shall be set forth in the Commercial and Residential Building Code as adopted by the City of Haysville

(Code 2015)

There shall be charged for the re-inspection of any building pursuant to section 4-202 of this code an inspection fee at the rate of fifty dollars ($50) per occurrence of such re-inspection.

(Code 2020; Code 2022)

Each person, firm, association, corporation or entity required by section 5-101 of this code to register with the city shall pay to the city an initial registration fee of ten dollars ($10.00) and shall each year thereafter pay an annual registration renewal fee of five dollars ($5.00). Registration fees shall become due on December 1st of each year, and shall be overdue if paid on or after January 1st of the year for which the renewal registration is issued. A ten dollar ($10.00) late fee shall be assessed on January 1st, and an additional ten dollar ($10.00) late shall be assessed for every subsequent month such fee is overdue, beginning on the first of each subsequent month. The cumulative amount of late fee is due at the time such business registration is made current by payment of the registration fee.

(Code 2015)

The biennial fee required by section 3-415 of this code to be paid to the city clerk by each applicant for a caterer’s license authorizing said applicant to sell or serve alcoholic liquor by the drink (including beer containing more than three and two-tenths percent [3.2 percent] of alcohol by weight) shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00).

(Code 2012)

The annual license fees required for the sale at retail of cereal malt beverages, as required by section 3-111 of this code, shall be as provided in this section.

(a)   General Retailer. For each place of business selling cereal malt beverages at retail (as set forth within K.S.A. 41-2702(d)(1)) there shall be an initial license fee of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) which shall be valid for the balance of the calendar year for which it was issued. Licenses are issued for the calendar year and must be renewed prior to January 1st of each year. An annual renewal fee shall be one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) if the renewal license fee is paid prior to November 30th of the preceding year; and two hundred dollars ($200.00) if the renewal license fee is paid after November 30th of the preceding year.

(b)   Limited Retailer. Each place of business selling cereal malt beverages (as set forth within K.S.A. 41-2702(g)) at retail in original and unopened containers, and not for consumption on the business premises, shall pay an initial license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) which shall be valid for the balance of the calendar year for which it was issued. An annual renewal fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) and shall be due and collectable any time after November 30th of the year prior to which the license shall be valid. Licenses are issued for the calendar year and must be renewed prior to January 1st of each year.

(c)   The annual license fee for such license shall be in addition to the State Stamp fee of $25 mandated by K.S.A. 41-2702(e).

(d)   The full amounts of the license fees established by this section shall be paid regardless of the time of the year in which the application is made, and the licensee shall be authorized to operate under said license only for the remainder of the calendar year in which the license is issued. No refunds shall be paid in the event a licensee ceases to do business prior to the end of the calendar year in which the fee was paid.

(e)   Non-transferability. No license issued under this section shall be transferable to any person, or entity.

(f)   Change of location. The fee assessed for changing the location of a business for which a cereal malt beverage license has been issued as provided for by Section 3-115 of this code shall be ten dollars ($10.00).

(g)   Special Event Retailers’ Permit. The assessed fee for a Special Event Retailers’ Permit shall be one hundred dollars per day of operation of the Special Event site. For purposes of determining the fee amount, each day or part of day shall be subject to the daily operating fee. Such amount shall be payable by permittee within seven days following approval by the Governing Body of the Special Event Retailers’ Permit application, but in no case less than five (5) days prior to the proposed special event. A Special Event Retailers’ Permit is not valid until such fee is paid, and a permit is obtained from the City Clerk.

(Code 2015; Code 2024)

The city shall charge and receive for the use of the community building pursuant to section 12-107 of this code the fees provided for in this section.

(a)   Refundable deposit. Each person or entity applying to use the community building shall pay at the time of application a refundable deposit of either: (i) one hundred dollars ($100.00) for any use requiring a City issued temporary special event permit; or (ii) fifty dollars ($50.00) for all other uses, which deposit shall be used to secure payment of any damages or cleanup costs incurred by the city for such use. Any portion of said deposit not used to repair damages or for cleanup shall be refunded to the applicant.

(b)   Single use. The fee for a single, non-recurring use of the community building shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) on Mondays through Thursdays and one hundred dollars ($100.00) for Fridays through Sundays.

(c)   Monthly use. The fee for use of the community building once per month on Mondays through Thursdays shall be seven hundred twenty dollars ($720.00) per year.

 (Code 2003; Code 2007; Ord. 1043)

(Code 2022)

Contractors shall pay to the city clerk, prior to performing any work within the city, fees in accordance with the following schedule:

Class A Contractor                                                     $125.00 (over $30,000)

Class B Contractor                                                     $100.00 ($30,000 or less)

Class C Contractor                                                       $75.00 (Roofing & Siding)

Class D Contractor                                                       $50.00 (Porch & Fencing)

Class MH Contractor

(Manufactured & Mobile Homes)                        $100.00

Pool Contractor                                                            $50.00

Wrecking Contractor                                                    $30.00

Concrete Contractor                                                     $50.00

Drain Layer                                                                 $50.00

Drain Cleaner                                                              $20.00

Electrical Contractor                                                         

       License                                                                $75.00

       Master Certificate                                                 $20.00

Journeyman’s Certificate/Mechanical Contractor           $10.00

       License                                                               $75.00

       Master Certificate                                                 $20.00

       Journeyman’s Certificate                                       $10.00

       Certificate Fee Plumbing Contractor                        $5.00

       License                                                                $75.00

       Master Certificate                                                 $20.00

       Journeyman’s Certificate                                       $10.00

       Certificate Fee                                                        $5.00

Water Treatment                                                          $30.00

Solar Heat                                                                   $30.00

Fire Sprinkler                                                              $30.00

Gas Fitter                                                                    $20.00


       License                                                                $50.00

       Master Certificate                                                 $20.00

       Journeyman’s Certificate                                       $10.00

Swimming pools                                                          $50.00

Right Of Way Maintenance                                          $25.00

       Submitted after February 15th                               $75.00

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2012; Code 2022)

The monthly salary to be paid to each city councilperson pursuant to section 1-208 of this code shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00).

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2024)

The following fees are hereby adopted to defray the costs associated with the following specific processes carried out by the municipal court.

(a)   Diversions. The fee required to be paid by any defendant requesting a diversion in connection with any case filed in the city municipal court pursuant to section 9-108 of this code shall be one-hundred dollars ($100.00). Said fee shall be non-refundable. Additionally, the fee charged by the providing agency to complete a pre-diversion evaluation shall be paid to the providing agency at the time of such evaluation.

(b)   Court costs assessed pursuant to section 9-106 of this code shall be eighty-four dollars ($84.00), which shall include those costs that the City must remit to the State under K.S.A. 12-4117, and docket and administrative fees.

(c)   Pre-Sentence Investigations. The fee to be paid to the city by each defendant convicted in the city’s municipal court and concerning whom a pre-sentence investigation is ordered shall be $150.00, unless such PSI fee is paid directly to the provider. Probation Administrative fees as set forth within shall be assessed separately from the PSI fee.

(d)   Registered letter fee                                                 $10.00

(e)   Notice letter for FTO/FTA                                         $5.00

(f)   Warrant Fee                                                            $25.00

(g)   Warrant Service Fee if served other than at court or police station/traffic stop    $20.00

       Mileage per Mile for Warrant Service                                   As determined by State

(h)   Witness Fee (per person)                                          $10.00

       Mileage from home address per Mile for

(i)    Witness Under Subpoena, Except first 10 miles                     As determined by State

(j)    Administration Fee for Post-Conviction Remedy     $100.00

(k)   Copying fee for court records (see 17-368(b) below)    25 cents/page + employee hourly wage & benefits

(l)    Copying fee for each DVD, audio or video tape $25.00 (see 17-368 below) + employee hourly wage & benefits

(Code 2012; Code 2020; Code 2024)

Fines for violations of municipal ordinances shall be assessed pursuant to such ordinance, in conformance with K.S.A. 12-4305, the Uniform Public Offense Code, the Standard Traffic Ordinance, or as otherwise set forth by this Code. The description of offenses contained in this schedule of fines is for reference only and is not a legal definition. Pursuant to K.S.A. 12-4305, the municipal court judge is permitted to impose any fine within the minimum and maximum approved by ordinance.

(Code 2012)


Animal at large/Violation of Dog Park Rules & Regulations set forth in Chapter 12, Article 4:

First offense                                                                                         $25.00

Second offense, within a twelve (12) month period                                 $50.0

Third offense, within a twelve (12) month period                                    $75.00

Fourth and subsequent offense, within a twelve (12) month period         $100.00

2-112.    Endangering Animals                                                Class C violation

       A sum not exceeding $500.00 and/or one (1) month in custody

2-202.    Barking dog                                                                                  $25.00

2-201.    No tag attached                                                                             $25.00

2-213.    Rabies vaccination require                                                             $50.00


Burning (unlawful)                                                                                    $500.00

Any nuisance offense set forth within Chapter 8, Article 4:        Class C violation

A sum not exceeding $500.00 and/or one (1) month in custody

1.    Upon conviction for a first offense, by a fine up to $250.00.

2.    Upon conviction of a second or subsequent offense, by a fine of not less than $250.00 and not more than $500.00.


Failure to obey notice or summons                              Class C violation

A sum not exceeding $500.00 and/or one (1) month in custody.

Failure to appear in court                                            Class B violation

A sum not exceeding $1000.00 and/or six (6) months in custody.

(Code 2012; Code 2020; Ord. 1064; Ord 1076; Code 2022)

The permit fee for a culvert within the city shall be sixty dollars ($60.00).

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

The permit fee for an approach within the city shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2021)

The annual licensing fee for any license required to be obtained by section 2-201 of this code shall be as provided for by this section, shall expire with the rabies vaccination and shall be renewed with the city within thirty (30) days after the expiration of the rabies vaccination. Such licensing fees shall be as follows:

(a)   Unspayed females. The annual license fee for each unspayed female dog shall be $30.00.

(b)   Spayed females. The annual license fee for each properly spayed female dog shall be $10.00.

(c)   Non-neutered males. The annual license fee for each non-neutered male dog shall be $30.00.

(d)   Neutered males. The annual license fee for each neutered male dog shall be $10.00.

(e)   If thirty (30) or more days have elapsed since the date of the rabies vaccination or thirty (30) or more days have elapsed since the dog became six (6) months old or thirty (30) or more days have elapsed since the dog was acquired, a penalty fee shall be assessed in the amount of $2.00 for each month, or portion of month, during which the animal was not licensed pursuant to this code.

 (Code 2003, Code 2004; Ord. 852, Ord. 862, Ord. 864; Ord. 1103)

The registration fee required to be paid for persons or entities engaging in door to door sales pursuant to section Chapter 5, Article 13 of this code shall include the cost of background investigations upon up to five individuals. All additional individuals shall be assessed the cost of such background investigation as set forth below.

thirty (30) day permit             $100.00

six (6) month permit               $300.00

one (1) year permit                 $500.00

background investigation for each individual not included within permit fee:     $10.00/person

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

There shall be charged twenty dollars ($20.00) for a drain cleaner’s license.

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

There shall be charged for the reinspection of any drain laying pursuant to section 4-705 of this code an inspection fee at the rate of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per occurrence of such reinspection.

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2020)

Each drinking establishment located in the city and operating pursuant to a drinking establishment license issued by the state of Kansas and the provisions of this code regulating such establishments shall pay to the city a biennial license fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) pursuant to section 3-407. The city license shall run concurrently with the state drinking establishment license and must be obtained within five (5) days of issuance of the state license. If more than five (5) days elapse before purchase of the city license, a penalty of fifty dollars ($50.00) is hereby established.

 (Code 2003; Code 2007; Ord. 976)

Fees for building permits shall be set for in the Electrical Code as adopted and enforced by the City of Haysville.

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2012; Code 2020)

There shall be charged for electrical reinspections pursuant to section 4-202 of this code an inspection fee at the rate of fifty dollars ($50) per occurrence for such reinspections.

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2020; Code 2022; Code 2024)

The annual license fee for entertainers, as described in section 3-201 of this code, shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00), payable to the city clerk.

 (Code 2003, Code 2004; Code 2007)

The annual license fee required by section 5-803 of this code for erotic dance studios shall be one-hundred dollars ($100.00).

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

There shall be charged for excavation inspections pursuant to section 13-204 of this code an inspection fee at the rate of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per occurrence of such inspections.

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2020)

There shall be charged for each excavation permit issued pursuant to section 13-206 of this code the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00).

 (Code 2003; Code 2007)

The fee required by section 4-1108 of this code to be paid to the city by each applicant for a fence permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00).

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

A processing fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be paid to and collected by the city from each person requesting to be fingerprinted prior to such service being performed pursuant to section 10-104.

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

There shall be collected for each location within the city for which a fireworks sales permit has been issued pursuant to section 5-1102 of this code, permit fees based upon the square footage of the structure from which fireworks are to be sold:

(a)   For structures not exceeding 400 square feet                 $ 2,500.00

(b)   For structures having square footage of 401,

but not exceeding 800 square feet                                $ 5,000.00

(c)   For structures greater than 800 square feet,

but not exceeding 1,500 square feet                              $ 7,500.00

(d)   For structures exceeding 1,500 square feet                   $10,000.00

For the purposes of this section, square footage shall be determined by the interior dimension measurement of the structure.

 (Code 2003; Code 2007)

Admission and rental fees associated with the Haysville Activity Center and the Dewey Gunzelman Swimming Pool Facility shall be set by the Governing Body. Unless the Governing Body takes action to change any established admission or rental fee, such fees shall remain the same from year to year. The categories of the memberships and admissions shall be as follows:

(1)   HAC: One Day Admission - Daily rate for one individual

(a)   Single: Individuals in the 6th grade or older that are not USD 261 students.

(b)   Seniors: Any person aged fifty-five (55) and older.

(c)   Military: Active Duty serviceperson with current military ID card.

(d)   Campus/HMS Student: A current student attending USD 261 Campus, Haysville High School or any Haysville Middle School.

(e)   Youth (6 years - 5th Grade): Any person between 6 yrs of age and fifth (5th) grade.

(f)   Children (5 Years and younger): Any person aged five (5) years or younger.

(g)   Weekly Pass (7 consecutive days): Any individual regardless of age may purchase a weekly pass.

(2)   HAC: Memberships - Annual (12 months), Six-months (6), and Three-month (3):

(a)   Family: Families are defined as an individual, their spouse and their dependent children aged 23 and under.

(b)   Single: Limited to one person.

(c)   Senior: Limited to one person, aged fifty-five (55) and older.

(d)   Military: Active Duty serviceperson with current military ID card.

(e)   Campus HS Student: Any student attending Campus HS or Haysville High School. Limited to one person.

(f)   Haysville MS Student: Any student attending Haysville Middle Schools. Limited to one person.

Regular Membership


1 Month

3 Month

6 Month






















24hr access + Fitness Center





















(3)   HAC: Activity Center Rental Rooms - Room/Deposits

(a)   Rental Room A & B: Rental of the rental rooms will be based on the number of hours requested per day.

(b)   Damage Deposit: Each person or entity applying to rent the HAC shall pay at the time of application for such use a refundable deposit to secure payment of any damages or cleanup costs incurred by the City in association with such use. Groups shall pay a Damage Deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00). Groups applying for a special event permit shall pay a Damage Deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00). Any portion of said deposit not used to repair damages or applied toward venue cleanup shall be refunded to the applicant.

(4)   Dewey Gunzelman Swimming Pool. The categories of swimming pool passes shall be as follows:

(a)   Daily passes.

(1)   Preschooler: less than six (6) years of age;

(2)   School Age and Adult: less than fifty-four (54) years of age;

(3)   Senior: persons fifty-five (55) years of age or older.

(b)   Season Passes

(1)   Families are defined as an individual, their spouse and their dependent children aged 23 and under

(2)   Individual: Any single individual, limited to only one person.

(c)   Ticket books: Ticket books containing twenty (20) daily admission tickets

(5)   Dewey Gunzelman Swimming Pool Rental and Deposit. The Governing Body shall establish rules and procedures for permitting the swimming pool facility to be rented for private events. Fees for rental of the swimming pool may be based upon the number of people in attendance at the rental event, and whether additional swimming facilities, equipment, and personnel are requested for the event. The deposit and rental fee are due at the time of the rental request. This entire amount will be refunded if the City determines that the requested date(s) are unavailable.

(6)   Dewey Gunzelman Swimming Pool Rental Deposit. Each person or entity applying to rent the swimming pool shall pay at the time of application a refundable deposit to secure payment of any damages or cleanup costs incurred by the City 3 arising out of such use. Any portion of said deposit not applied to repairs or cleanup shall be refunded to the applicant. Such deposit shall be as follows:

$50 (Rentals < than 100 people)

$100 (Rentals > 100 people or if a DJ/Band is utilized)

(Code 2003, Code 2004, Code 2007, Code 2009; Ord. 941; Code 2015; Ord. 1043; Ord. 1117)

A fifty dollar ($50.00) fee shall be paid when submitting an application for an appeal to the Historic District Committee.

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

Each applicant for an ice cream vendor’s license shall be charged an annual license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each vehicle operating within the city limits pursuant to section 5-904.

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

A service charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be charged for any check returned to the city, or any other form of refused or returned payment, including credit card and PayPal, pursuant to section 1-304.

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2015; Code 2024)

(Code 2007; Ord. 1103)

For each landlord guarantee there shall be charged a fee of forty dollars ($40.00).

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

A fee of one-hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be paid when submitting a landscape plan for review.

 (Code 2003; Code 2007)

For each inspection of a manufactured home prior to occupancy being granted a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be charged and collected pursuant to section 5-202.

 (Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2024)

For manufactured home parks or trailer parks located within the city limits, there shall be an annual fee in the amount of five dollars ($5.00) for each space, whether occupied or not, pursuant to section 5-202.

 (Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2024)

The monthly salary to be paid to the mayor of the city pursuant to section 1-207 of this code shall be seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00).

 (Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2024)

Fees for mechanical permits shall be set forth in the Mechanical Code as adopted and enforced by the City of Haysville.

(Code 2020)

There shall be charged for mechanical re-inspections pursuant to section 4-202 of this code a fee at the rate of fifty dollars ($50) per occurrence of such re-inspections.

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2020; Code 2022; Code 2024)

The permit fee required by Chapter 5, Article 4 of this code for Mobile Food Vendors shall be as set forth below.

(a)   $25.00 for each thirty (30) days, or portion thereof;

(b)   $125.00 for six (6) months; or

(c)   $200.00 for one (1) calendar year.

(Code 2020; Code 2024)

A municipal judge pro tempore shall be paid a fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per court day pursuant to section 9-105.

(Code 2019)

The fees for use of city park shelters shall be as provided in this section.

(a)   For use of shelters without electrical service and without restrooms, ten dollars ($10.00);

(b)   For use of shelters with electrical service and without restrooms, twenty-seven dollars ($27.00);

(c)   For use of shelters with electrical service and with restrooms, thirty dollars ($30.00);

(d)   For use of enclosed shelters with restrooms, sixty-five dollars ($65.00) with a fifty dollar ($50.00) refundable deposit to cover possible clean up and damage costs;

(e)   For use of Historic District Gazebo, fifty-five dollars ($55.00) with a fifty dollar ($50.00) refundable deposit to cover possible clean up and damage costs; or

(f)   For use of Home Town Market facility, fifty dollars ($50.00). The Home Town Market community open-air market establishes fees for booth rental in a manner established for that program. The fee charged for a lost key shall be twenty dollars ($20.00); or

(g)   For use of Band Shell, fifty dollars ($50.00) with a fifty dollar ($50.00) refundable deposit to cover possible clean up and damage costs.

(Code 2003, Code 2004; Code 2007; Code 2008; Ord. 1043; Ord. 1081; Code 2022; Code 2025)

The application and subsequent annual license fee required by section 5-1002 of this code to be paid to the city for persons or entities seeking to engage or engaging in the businesses of pawnbroking or dealing precious metals shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

The fee required by section 13-105 of this code for permits for the construction of public sidewalks, curbs, gutters or private driveways cutting through or passing over public sidewalks, curbs or gutters shall be forty cents ($0.40) per lineal foot for all such construction.

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

Fees for the usage of the Plagens-Carpenter Sports Complex may be annually set by regular action of the Governing Body. Rental fees are anticipated to include costs associated with regular maintenance, lights, and usage. A standard damage/clean-up Deposit Schedule shall also be established.

(Code 2003; Code 2009; Ord. 941)

Unless a fee in another amount is expressly provided for elsewhere in this code, the city shall charge and receive a fee at 65% of the permit fee for the review of each plan required by this code to be submitted to the city or its representatives for review.

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2022)

Fees for building permits shall be set forth in the Plumbing Code as adopted and enforced by the City of Haysville.

 (Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2012; Code 2020)

There shall be charged for plumbing re-inspections pursuant to section 4-202 of this code an inspection fee at the rate of fifty dollars ($50) per occurrence of such inspections.

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2020; Code 2024)

The biennial license fee to be paid to the city by each private club located within the city pursuant to section 3-411 of this code shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00). Said fee shall be paid before commencing business under an originally-issued state license, and within five (5) days after the effective renewal date of any subsequently granted state license.

(Ord. 976)

The permit and inspection fee required to be paid to the city before commencement of construction of a private sewage disposal system pursuant to Section 15-407 of this code shall be two-hundred dollars ($200.00).

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

The fine assessed for a probation violation shall be not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), per violation charged.

When an attorney is appointed to act as a public defender in municipal court due to a conflict of interest or other reason, the fee for such representation shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for up to two appearances in a single matter.

 (Code 2019)

The fees provided for by Chapter 1, Article 5 of this code for the inspection and copying of records shall be as follows:

(a)   Inspection. The fee for inspections provided for by section 1-502 of this code may be an amount equal to the hourly rates of compensation, including benefits, for the city employee or employees involved in the inspection multiplied by the hours, or fractions thereof, such employee or employees were required to be so involved.

(b)   Copying. The fees for copying records provided for by section 1-503 of this code may be an amount equal to the hourly rates of compensation, including benefits, for the city employee or employees involved in the copying multiplied by the hours, or fractions thereof, such employee or employees were required to be so involved. An additional fee of twenty-five cents ($0.25) per page copied may also be charged, and an additional fee of $25.00 shall also be charged for each Video/CD/DVD/Audio/VHS or other media form copied. Photographs will be reproduced digitally and provided on the appropriate media form. The employee time associated with providing the media form shall be in addition to the $5.00 media cost.

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2009; Code 2024)

A temporary permit may be issued for a manufactured home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle to be occupied other than within a park or camp, permitted in accordance with sections 5-303 for a period not to exceed 14 days, upon the payment of a fee of $10.00. There shall not be more than four such permits issued for the placement of a manufactured home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle in accordance with sections 5-303 on the same property in any 12-month period.

(Code 2020; Code 2024)

The annual fee to be paid to the city by each person or entity licensed to collect and/or dispose of solid waste within the city pursuant to section 8-311 of this code shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for each vehicle used by such person or entity in such collection and/or disposal.

 (Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2024)

(a)   There is hereby levied, pursuant to section 3-301, a biennial occupation tax on each retailer of alcoholic liquor within the city (including beer containing more than three and two-tenths percent [3.2 percent] of alcohol by weight) and for consumption off the premises (sales in the original packages only), and to whom the state of Kansas has issued a retailer’s license, of five hundred dollars ($500.00) payable within five (5) days of the issuance of the state license.

(b)   Special Event Retailers’ Permit. The assessed fee for a Special Event Retailers’ Permit associated with a Temporary Alcohol Beverage Permit issued by the State shall be one hundred dollars per day of operation of the Special Event site. For purposes of determining the fee amount, each day or part of day shall be subject to the daily operating fee. Such amount shall be payable by permittee within seven days following approval by the Governing Body of the Special Event Retailers’ Permit application, but in no case less than five (5) days prior to the proposed special event. A Special Event Retailers’ Permit is not valid until such fee is paid, and a permit is obtained from the City Clerk.

 (Code 2003; Code 2007; Ord. 976; Code 2015)

Fees for Roofing and Siding Permits shall be set forth in the Building and Residential Code as adopted and enforced by the City of Haysville.

(Code 2020)

The city shall charge and receive for the rental of the Senior Center the fee provided for in this section and authorized by this code. Rental of the Senior Center is for Members fifty-five (55) years of age or older for functions benefiting senior citizens.

(a)   The fee for the rental of the Senior Center shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) for Members of the Senior Center.

(b)   Senior Center rental deposit. Each Member applying to rent the Senior Center shall pay at the time of application for such use a refundable deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to secure payment of any damages or cleanup costs incurred by the City for such use. Any portion of said deposit not used to repair damages or for cleanup shall be refunded to the applicant.

(Code 2003, Code 2004; Code 2007; Code 2009; Code 2018)

The fee to be paid to the city clerk by any person or entity for a connection to the city’s sewer/wastewater treatment system pursuant to section 15-307 of this code shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00).

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2020)

(SIDING PERMITS. See Section 17-372, Roofing and Siding Permits.)

Temporary Sign                                                    $25.00

Permanent Sign                                                     $75.00

Return of Impounded Sign                                     $10.00

(Ord. 902; Code 2007; Code 2019; Code 2021; Code 2022; Ord. 1103)

The fee charged for special event permits shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) pursuant to section 12-302. Upon issuance of a special event permit, a refundable deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be paid by the permit holder to secure payment of any damages or cleanup costs incurred by the city related to the permitted special event. Any portion of said deposit not used to repair damages or for cleanup shall be refunded to the permit holder.

The fee charged for underground sprinkler permits shall be thirty dollars ($30.00) pursuant to section 4-1003. Backflow device test filing fee shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Late filing of backflow device test shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per month pursuant to section 15-134.

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2019; Code 2022; Ord. 1129)

(Code 2022)

The annual license fee required to be paid to the city by taxicab licensees pursuant to section 5-603 of this code shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each taxicab; in the event a licensee operates more than one cab pursuant to said license, fees of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for one taxicab and ten dollars ($10.00) per taxicab for all other taxicabs shall also be paid.

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

The charges authorized by section 15-121.1 of this code for temporary provision of water for non-residential purposes from the municipal water works and distribution system shall be as provided by this section.

(a)   Payment must be made in advance of any service provided.

(b)   Payment shall be in the amount of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per week plus any applicable sales tax, not to exceed four (4) total weeks of temporary service, except for extensions as provided in 15-121.1, and shall be distributed as follows:

(1)   $ 6.00 to Water,

(2)   $ 4.00 to Sewer,

(3)   $ 3.00 to Sewer Fee,

(4)   $ 2.00 to Stormwater Fee, and

(5)   applicable sales tax.

(c)   In lieu of the standard costs set forth above, where practicable such water service may be metered as a temporary measure and costs imposed in accordance with 17-387.

The permit fee required by Chapter 5, Article 12 of this code for Temporary Portable Business Permits shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

The fee for being afforded temporary residential water service pursuant to section 15-121 of this code shall be paid in advance and shall be in the amount of twenty dollars ($20.00) per week plus applicable sales tax, not to exceed two (2) weeks and distributed as follows:

$10.00 to water

$10.00 to sewer

Any water used shall be metered at normal residential rates.

(Code 2019)

Each applicant to whom the city clerk issues a sales from residence permit pursuant to section 5-502 of this code shall pay to the city clerk a permit fee of three dollars ($3.00) per day for up to three (3) consecutive days.

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

Pursuant to K.S.A. 12-4305 the municipal judge shall establish a schedule of fines which shall be imposed for municipal ordinance violations that are classified as ordinance traffic infractions. Also, the municipal judge may establish a schedule of fines which shall be imposed for the violation of certain other ordinances.

Any fine so established shall be within the minimum and maximum allowable fines established by ordinance for such offenses by the governing body.

The transient guest tax shall be levied at a rate of 6% upon the gross receipts derived from or paid by transient guests for sleeping accommodations, exclusive of charges for incidental service or facilities, in any hotel, motel, or tourist court, and shall be collected as provided in K.S.A. 12-1698.

(Ord. 969; C.O. No. 21)

Each user of the city’s sewer/wastewater treatment system shall pay for the services provided by the city pursuant to Chapter 15, Article 5 of this code at a rate based on their use of the wastewater treatment works as determined and measured by meters acceptable to the city. The monthly user charges charged to residential contributors shall be based on their average monthly water usage during the months of January, February and March. Residential contributors who have not established a January, February and March average shall be charged a charge equal to the average charge for all other residential contributors. The monthly user charge charged to industrial and commercial contributors shall be based on current month water usage. If a commercial or industrial contributor has a consumptive water usage, or in some other manner uses water which is not returned to the city’s wastewater collection system, the user charge for such contributor may be based on a wastewater meter or separate water meters installed and maintained at the contributor’s expense and in a manner acceptable to the city.

In any event, the minimum monthly user charge shall be thirteen dollars and eighty-five cents ($13.85) for each residential, industrial or commercial contributor, except that each such contributor defined as a subsidized high density residential contributor shall pay a minimum monthly charge of six dollars ($6.00). In addition, each contributor paying in-city rates shall pay an additional rate for operation and maintenance, including replacement, of four dollars ($4.00) per one-thousand (1,000) gallons of water (or wastewater) in 2010, $4.65 in 2011, $5.30 in 2012, $5.95 in 2013, $6.60 in 2014 and $7.25 in 2015 and thereafter. Each contributor paying out-of-city rates shall pay an additional rate for operation and maintenance, including replacement, of six dollars ($6.00) per one-thousand (1,000) gallons of water (or wastewater) in 2010, $6.98 in 2011, $7.95 in 2012, $8.93 in 2013, $9.90 in 2014 and $10.88 in 2015 and thereafter.

When the wastewater user charge of thirteen dollars and eighty-five cents ($13.85) is removed in October 2016, a five dollar ($5.00) maintenance fee will be implemented.

(Code 2003, Ord. 878; Code 2007; Code 2009; Ord. 950; Code 2010; Code 2024)

For each tap to the city waterworks system made pursuant to section 15-107 of this code, the city clerk shall charge and collect, prior to such tap, a fee of $2,250.00 for each meter connection of 3/4-inch or 5/8-inch, a fee of $2,500.00 for each meter connection of 1-inch, and a fee of $4,000.00 for each meter connection of 2-inches.

(Code 2003; Code 2005; Code 2007; Code 2008; Code 2015; Code 2020; Ord. 1103)

Water service to or for any customer whose name appears on the city’s water shut-off list pursuant to section 15-117 shall not be continued until such customer pays to the city a forty dollar ($40.00) non-payment penalty, together with all past due amounts owing to the city. The mayor or the mayor’s designee may grant exceptions to this section only in hardship cases.

 (Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2020)

The fees provided for by section 15-140 of this code for testing of water meters shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) for the first test if the meter was found accurate within two percent (2%) and forty dollars ($40.00) for subsequent tests within a one (1) year period.

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2020)

The charges authorized by section 15-201 of this code for water used from the municipal water works and distribution system shall be as provided by this section.

(a)   Infrastructure Fee. For all users, a $7.00 per month, infrastructure maintenance and improvement fee.

(b)   Users located inside city limits. The charges for water users within the city limits shall be $3.50 per 1,000 gallons. Users outside of the city but added to the system due to contamination concerns as identified by KDHE in 2017 related to the former American Cleaners Dry Cleaners Site, 412 W. Grand Avenue, shall be charged the same rate as users located inside city limits.

(c)   Users located outside city limits. The charges for water users located outside the city limits shall be $3.92 per 1,000 gallons.

(d)   Bulk users. The charges for bulk users of water shall be $25.00 plus $3.50 per 1,000 gallons.

(Code 2003, Code 2004; Code 2007; Ord. 949; Code 2010; Code 2018; Code 2019; Code 2022)

Pursuant to section 15-116 of this code, each applicant for city water service shall pay a set-up fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), together with any applicable taxes, to establish service, and any such customer who subsequently transfers water service from one (1) location in the city to another location in the city shall pay a transfer fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00), together with any applicable tax.

(Code 2003; Code 2007)

The fee for each well permit required to be paid to the city shall be twenty dollars ($20.00).

(Code 2003; Code 2007; Code 2020)

Any person renting the Community Building, Haysville Activity Center Rental Room, or Senior Center shall in addition to all other fees and charges charged under this Article for such rental also be required to pay a reasonable nonrefundable cleaning fee, as set by City staff from time to time.

(Ord. 1070)