Preservation guidelines for a proposed historic district shall be submitted with a nomination application. The district preservation guidelines shall not apply to the interior of commercial structures. Further, the district guidelines shall include, but not be limited to the following:
(a) Guidelines for those seeking a certificate of appropriateness including, but not limited to the following:
(1) Acceptable materials for any construction, additions, remodeling or rehabilitation activities to the exterior of the structures;
(2) Appropriate architectural character, scale, and detail for any construction, additions, remodeling or rehabilitation activities;
(3) Acceptable appurtenances to the structures;
(4) Acceptable textures and ornamentation to the exterior of the structures;
(5) Acceptable accessories on structures;
(6) Such other building regulations which would have impact on the buildings;
(7) Acceptable standards for changes to non-contributing resources within the district; and
(8) Acceptable signage.
(b) Guidelines for public improvements in the district, including street furniture, signs, design textures of sidewalks, streets and parks.