The administration of these regulations is vested in the following governmental branches, agencies, departments or individuals of the city government:

1.    Zoning Administrator

2.    Office of the City Clerk of Haysville, known as the City Clerk.

3.    Haysville Planning Commission.

4.    Haysville Governing Body.

Each of the above named governmental branches, agencies, departments or individuals shall have the responsibilities hereinafter set forth.

The Zoning Administrator, or designee, shall administer the provisions of these regulations and in furtherance of such authority, shall:

1.    Inform applicants of procedures required for subdivision approval and vacations, provide application forms and other administrative forms to facilitate the process, and convey to subdividers the decisions of the Planning Commission.

2.    Receive and establish files for all sketch plans, preliminary and final plats, replats, final plats for small tracts, lot splits and vacations together with applications therefore.

3.    After determining the adequacy of the information submitted as suitable for distribution, forward copies of the preliminary plat and final plats for small tracts, when deemed necessary, to other appropriate governmental agencies and public and private utilities providers for their comments and recommendations.

4.    Review and compile a list of comments on all preliminary plats to determine whether such plats comply with these regulations and similarly review and compile a list on all final plats to determine whether they comply with the preliminary plat, if any, and these regulations.

5.    Forward preliminary and final plats to the Planning Commission for their consideration, together with the list of comments and recommendations.

6.    Following review recommendation by the Planning Commission on all matters reviewed by the Planning Commission, check and assemble all pertinent data and drawings, then forward such recommendation and associated documentation to the Governing Body for final action.

7.    Issue determinations of when property divisions are exempt from these Regulations as provided herein.

8.    Make such other determinations and decisions as may be required by these regulations.

The City Clerk of the City of Haysville shall:

1.    File at least one copy of these regulations marked by the Clerk as “Official Copy as Incorporated by Ordinance No. _”, (i.e., the ordinance adopting these regulations as approved by the Governing Body). Such copies maintained by the Clerk shall be open to inspection and available to the public at all reasonable business hours.

2.    Distribute at cost to the City, official copies of these regulations to the police department, court, planning and zoning administrator, building inspector, city attorney and all administrative departments of the City charged with the enforcement of these regulations.

3.    Process the required filing fees.

4.    Provide clerical assistance to the Governing Body so as to facilitate and record their actions in the exercise of their duties relating to these regulations.

The Haysville Planning Commission shall:

1.    Review and approve, approve conditionally, or disapprove preliminary plats.

2.    Review and approve, approve conditionally, or disapprove final plats for compliance with the preliminary plat as approved, and approve or disapprove final plat and transmit same to the Governing Body for acceptance of dedications of streets, alleys and other public ways and sites.

3.    Make recommendations to the Governing Body on vacations of recorded plats, rights-of-way, easements and other public reservations.

4.    Make such other determinations and decisions as may be required of the Commission from time to time by law or these regulations

The Governing Body shall:

1.    Accept or not accept dedications of streets, alleys, easements, alleys, easements and other public ways and sites shown on final plats and in cases of disapproval or modification shall inform the subdivider and Planning Commission in writing of the reasons.

2.    Approve or not approve vacations of recorded plats, rights-of-way, easements and other public reservations and, in the unincorporated area, to recommend or protest such vacations to be considered by the Board of County Commissioners.

No plat, lot split or vacation request shall be approved which does not comply with the provisions of these regulations.

For the purpose of defraying costs of proceedings described herein, filing fees shall be paid upon the filing of each application as established by Chapter 17 of the Haysville Municipal Code adopted by the governing body.