Water utilities of the city shall be operated as a separate department to be known as the city water department.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-101)
The water department shall consist of the governing body and the public works director and such officers and employees of the city who shall devote all or part of their time to the conduct of the department. The governing body shall control and operate the department by the passage of such ordinances as may be necessary for the safe, economical and efficient operation and management of the waterworks.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-103)
All claims against the city arising from the operation of the department shall be filed with the city clerk and allowed by the governing body as in the case of other claims against the city The governing body may by proper rule authorize the public works director to employ temporary help and to make purchases of supplies and equipment in accordance with the purchasing policy of the city during the interval between meetings of the governing body.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-103; Code 2003)
Before the city shall make any new installation to serve any premises with water, an application for any such connection shall be made in writing by the owner of the premises at the office of the city clerk. All such applications shall be made on a form provided by the city. The application shall give the location of the property to be served by its legal description or otherwise, the type of service desired and the use for which service will be required. If there is no water main to which a connection can be made as determined by the public works director, the requirements regarding extensions must be met before the application for the service connection will be accepted. The application and its acceptance will constitute a contract between the applicant and the city water department upon the installation of the connection.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-106; Code 2003)
Whenever anyone outside the city shall make an application for new water service, the applicant shall agree to petition in writing to annexation of the property for which the new water service is requested.
(Code 1984)
The rules and regulations regarding the water service installation shall be as follows:
(a) Only authorized city personnel shall be responsible for tapping the main, installing the service line to the meter and setting the meter inside the property line of the premises to be served. The location of the required water meter and underground service barrel shall be on the house side of the approach located in the public right-of-way. All locations of said meter and underground barrel requirements are subject to the approval of the public director or his/her designee. If, in the determination of the public works director, the service line request is more than fifty (50) feet from the main, the owner of the premises shall be charged the expense of extending the main.
(b) Tracer Wire. Plastic materials for building supply piping outside underground shall have a blue insulated copper tracer wire or other approved conductor installed adjacent to the piping. Access shall be provided to the tracer wire or the tracer wire shall terminate aboveground at each end of the nonmetallic piping. Said tracer wire shall terminate within six (6) inches of the lid of the meter barrel, and terminate on the exterior of the structure, above the penetration of the exterior of the footing/foundation. The tracer wire size shall be not less than 18 AWG and the insulation type shall be suitable for direct burial.
(c) Replacement of customer water service.
(1) If the length of customer water service being replaced is more than 50% (Fifty percent) then, the entire length of customer water service shall be replaced.
(2) All new installed water service replacements, shall have a new, full port opening, ball valve installed in a readily accessible location and be approved for potable water systems.
(d) Required fittings. When new residential services are installed for a new connection, the plumbing contractor for the new service shall provide the correct, required fittings at the future meter location. Said fittings for a 5/8" (five-eighths inch) service shall have ¾" (three-quarter inch) MIP threads for connection to the setter.
Fittings for a 1" (one inch) service, shall have 1"(one inch) MIP threads to connect to the setter.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-107; Code 1984; Ord. 551; Code 2003; Code 2020; Code 2025)
The connection charges and code compliance in regard to this article shall be as follows:
(a) Tap Fee. The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to collect a fee as set out in Chapter 17 for each water meter connection. This fee is to be paid at the time application is made.
(b) Cost of Installation. The cost of any installation and connection of 3/4 inch or 5/8 inch to 1 inch will be as established by Chapter 17. The cost of any installation and connection (including meter cost) larger than one (1) inch shall be borne by the owner and shall be properly installed by such. The meter shall become the property of the city upon final inspection and approval.
(c) Installation and Code Compliance. The installation must be made by workers licensed to perform such work in the city, and the owner shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the city from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the waterworks and connection. All work performed shall comply with the regulations and codes of the city.
(d) Final Inspection. The waterworks connection shall not be covered or otherwise concealed by any material until a final inspection has been made by the public works director or his/her designee and written permission has been given to cover or otherwise conceal such connections to the waterworks system.
(e) Penalty. Any person found to be violating any provisions of this section shall be served by the city with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations.
Any person who shall continue any violation beyond the time limit provided for in this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in an amount not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200) for each violation. Each day in which any such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense. Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be liable to the city for any expense, loss, or damage occasioned to the city by reason of such violation.
(Ord. 659; Code 2003; Code 2007)
Whenever the owner of real property desires a main to be extended to furnish water to such property for residential, commercial, or industrial use, he or she shall make application therefore to the water department and if such application is approved by the public works director, the owner shall deposit in cash, or cash equivalent, the estimated cost as determined by the public works director of extending such main as designated in section 15-107.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-109; Code 1984)
The length of the requested extension shall be ascertained by actual field measurement from the terminus of the nearest water main of adequate capacity to the nearest point on the tract of land to be served, plus such additional footage as is deemed necessary by the governing body in order to avoid obstructions, such as culverts, trees, shrubs, other utility lines and such other obstructions as may be encountered.
(Ord. 551; Code 2003)
The diameter of the main to be installed shall be determined by the public works director, based upon a consideration of the following factors: provision of adequate service to prospective customers, possible and contemplated future extensions of the main to be installed and fire protection needs existing or anticipated in the area to be served. When the public works director determines that the main needs to be larger than eight (8) inches, the city will pay the cost difference for the larger main.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-111; Code 1984)
The total estimated cost of the proposed main extension shall be arrived at by multiplying unit per foot costs by the total length of the proposed extension. The unit or per foot cost shall be determined by the public works director in accordance with experience records reflecting labor, material and other costs of main extension.
(Code 1971, Sec, 12-112)
For each bona fide standard service, excluding fire protection services to be attached to the proposed main extension to serve premises owned by the depositor, and for which the water department has a signed contract for water service prior to the installation of said main extension there shall be deducted from the total estimated costs an amount equal to four (4) times the annual minimum charge for that particular separate service as fixed and established by ordinance. Such minimum charges shall govern for this purpose, regardless of whether the particular service is within or without the limits of the city. All such deductions shall be reviewed on the fifth anniversary of the date of the execution of the main extension contract and the depositor shall then be charged with an amount equal to that for which initial deductions were made, but for which service has not been maintained, and in effect for at least three (3) years of the five (5) year period. The water department shall recover such charges directly from any refunds to which the depositor would otherwise be entitled under the provisions of section 15-113.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-113)
After the installation of such main extension has been completed, if the total actual cost thereof is less than the estimated cost, a refund of the difference shall be made to the applicant. If the actual cost be greater than the estimated cost, the applicant shall not be required to make any additional deposit. The water department shall make refunds of deposits for main extensions in the following manner:
(a) During only the period of ten (10) years following the date of the execution of the contract for particular main extension, there shall be refunded to the depositor for each separate service physically connected to that portion of the main for which deposit shall have been advanced, excepting fire protection services and those services for which deductions have been made pursuant to section 15-112, a sum equal to four (4) times the annual minimum charges for that particular separate service as fixed and established by ordinance as now adopted or hereafter amended. Such minimum charges shall govern for the purpose regardless of whether the particular service is within or without the limits of the city.
(b) In addition, the water department shall refund annually, on or before December 1, to the applicant, an amount equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross annual revenue derived by the water department during the last preceding full calendar year from consumers connected to that portion of the main for which deposit shall have been advanced, excluding connections for public fire protection purposes; such refunds, however, shall terminate upon the expiration of ten (10) years from the date of the execution of the contract for the particular main extension, and any portion of the deposit then unrefunded shall remain the sole property of the water department. In no event shall the aggregate of refunds made exceed the amount of the original deposit.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-114; Code 2003)
Whenever a lessee of a project financed by the issuance of industrial revenue bonds of the city desires that a main be extended to furnish water to property encompassed by such projects for residential, commercial or industrial use, such lessee shall make application as provided by this article to the water departments and deposit, in cash or equivalent, the estimated cost of such extension. The provisions of sections 15-109:113 shall apply to properties encompassed by projects financed by industrial revenue bonds in the same manner, and to the same extent, as if the applicant was an individual or other owner of real property applying for such extension.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-115; Code 1984; Code 2003)
Application for water service where a connection is in place shall be made at the office of the city clerk in such form as may be required by the rules of the department and in accordance with sections 15-108:114.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-116; Code 2003)
There is hereby levied a transfer penalty as set out in Chapter 17 for any customer who transfers water service from one location to another within the corporate city limits. At the time of making application for water service, the customer shall pay a non-refundable setup fee as set out in Chapter 17.
(Ord. 551-B; Code 2003; Code 2007)
In order to continue water service, a non-payment penalty as set out in Chapter 17 together with all past due amounts due the city shall be paid by any customer who appears on the water shut-off list. The mayor or his or her designee shall be entitled to grant exceptions to this section for hardship cases only.
(Ord. 551-C; Ord. 551-D; Code 2003; Code 2007)
The city reserves the right at any time to revise or amend this article, other ordinances or the rules and regulations pertaining to the supply of water thereunder. The city reserves the right to disconnect or refuse service to any customer or consumer who shall be found by the department to have violated any of the provisions of this article or rules and regulations of the department pertaining to the supply and use of water in the city. The city reserves the right for the officers and the employees of the department to inspect any premises at all reasonable hours in connection with the supply of water service to such premises. Members of the department shall have free access at such hours to read the meters, examine the location or conditions of the water lines and pipes or other fixtures and apparatus used in the supplying of water to such premises, and to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an order granting access should such access be denied.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-120; Code 2003)
It shall be unlawful for any consumer of water service to supply water in any way, by sale, gift or otherwise to any person, firm, company, corporation or other entity, nor shall any such consumer permit others to attach on to his or her service connection for any purpose except in accordance with the rules and regulations of the department.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-121; Code 2003)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, partnership, association, or other entity by means of any deception, device, destruction or in any manner except as now or may hereafter be authorized by the city, to receive, consume or in any manner divert or appropriate to his or her own use, or to the use of another, any water belonging to and made available by the city. Any violation of this provision will result in a $50 penalty added to the violator's utility bill, in addition to charges for any damage caused to city property. The City reserves the right to pursue legal action, including civil penalties or criminal charges, as deemed appropriate.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-122; Code 2003; Code 2025)
Contractors, builders, real estate agents and others requiring water where no permanent service is available, or where a temporary connection is needed to check for water leaks in plumbing or to clean, repair or remodel a rental, may receive a non-transferable permit in the name of a single individual permitee for such service on the making of an application and payment of a fee for the service in advance to the office of the City Clerk. Such temporary water service may be rendered on the payment in advance of the cost to the City for making the temporary connection which shall be as set out in Chapter 17. Where practicable, such water service may be metered as a temporary measure. This service is not intended as an alternative to regular water service for a resident of the property, and shall not be continued upon residential occupation of the property. Violation of this section must be corrected by the permitee immediately upon notification of the violation, and in no case shall the public works director or his designee allow more than 24 hours from discovering the violation to correct the violation. Violation of this provision is grounds for prosecution pursuant to both 15-135 below, as well as immediate revocation of temporary water service by the City.
Contractors, builders, and others requiring water where no permanent service is available, or where a temporary connection is needed to check for water leaks in plumbing or to clean, repair or remodel a building, may receive a non-transferable permit in the name of a single individual permitee for such service following the making of an application and payment of a fee for the service in advance to the office of the City Clerk, and inspection of the premises and approval of the application by the code enforcement officer. No recipient of temporary water service may be open for business while using temporary water service. Regular water service must be operational before any business is issued an occupancy permit. Violation of this section must be corrected by the permitee immediately upon notification of the violation, and in no case shall the public works director or his designee allow more than 24 hours from discovering the violation to correct the violation. Violation of this provision is grounds for prosecution pursuant to both 15-135 below, as well as immediate revocation of temporary water service by the City. Violation of this section is grounds for immediate revocation of an occupancy permit by the City. Fines for violation of this section shall be not less than $100.00 and not more than $500.00 per offense. Each day shall constitute a separate offense.
Temporary Water Service is provided to the business on a weekly or biweekly basis, for up to 4 weeks. The business owner must reapply for temporary water at the end of each cycle. After 4 weeks, the inspector shall re-evaluate the business and advise the City if additional provision of temporary water service is warranted to permit time for project completion. If approved by the Public Works Director or his/her designee, the City Clerk will allow for temporary water in 2 week increments, with the inspector re-evaluating after each 2 week increment until the project is considered complete by the Public Works Director or his/her designee.
Such temporary water service may be rendered on payment in advance to the City for the costs associated with making the temporary connection. Such costs shall be as set out in Chapter 17. Where practicable such water service may be metered as a temporary measure and costs imposed in accordance with Chapter 17.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons singularly or jointly by means of any deception or device or in any unlawful manner, to stop, hinder or prevent the water meters registering water supplied to any consumer. It shall be further unlawful for any person or persons to prevent such meters from registering correctly or to make them stop or run backwards or to tamper with or in any manner willfully damage or destroy such meters or registering device.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-124)
The public works director or his/her designee shall be responsible for effectively conducting the cross connection control program of the city public potable water supply. If in the judgment of the public works director or his/her designee an approved backflow prevention device is required, the public works director or his/her designee will give notice in writing to the customer to install the proper device. The customer shall immediately install the proper device at the customer’s expense. Failure to comply shall be grounds for discontinuing water service to said customer until the device is properly installed.
(Ord. 596; Code 2003)
The following words or phrases shall mean:
Agency: Shall mean the public works department.
Air Gap: Shall mean the unobstructed vertical distance at least twice the diameter of the supply line and no less than one (1) inch, through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture or other device and the flood level rim of the receptacle.
Approved Device: Shall mean devices tested and accepted by a recognized testing laboratory approved by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the public works director.
Backflow: Shall mean the flow of water or other substances into the distribution system of a potable water supply of water from any source other than its intended source. Backsiphonage is one type of backflow.
Backflow Preventer: Shall mean a device or means to prevent backflow.
Backsiphonage: Shall mean the flowing back of contaminated or polluted substances from a plumbing fixture or any vessel or source into the potable water supply system due to negative pressure in said system.
Contaminant: Shall mean any substance that upon entering the potable water supply would render it a danger to the health and life of the consumer.
Cross Connection: Shall mean any physical connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water and the other which contains water or any substance of unknown or questionable quality whereby there may be flow from one system to the other.
Double Check Valve: Shall mean a device consisting of two (2) internally loaded soft seated check valves with positive shut-off valves on both upstream and downstream ends, and properly located test ports.
Dual Check Valve: Shall mean a device consisting of two (2) internally located soft seated check valves. The device does not contain test ports and is acceptable for use only at the meter of residential customers.
Free Water Surface: Shall mean a water surface at atmospheric pressure.
Flood Level Rim: Shall mean the edge of the receptacle from which water overflows.
Frost Proof Closet: Shall mean a hopper with no water in the bowl and with the trap and water supply control valve located at the frost line.
KDHE: Shall mean the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
Non-Potable Water: Shall mean water that is not safe for human consumption or that is of questionable potability.
Plumbing: Shall meant the practice, materials and fixtures used in the installation, maintenance, extension and alteration of all piping fixtures, appliances and appurtenances.
Pollution: Shall mean the presence of any foreign substance (organic, inorganic or biological) in water which tends to degrade its quality so as to constitute a hazard or impair the usefulness or quality of the water to a degree which does not create an actual hazard to the public health but which does adversely affect the water.
Potable Water: Shall mean water free from impurities in amount sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects. Its quality shall conform to Kansas Department of Health and Environment requirement for public water supplies.
Reduced Pressure Zone Backflow Preventer: Shall mean an assembly of two (2) independently acting soft seated approved check valves together with a hydraulically operating mechanically independent differential pressure relief valve located between the check valves and at the same time below the first check valve. The unit shall contain properly located test cocks and resilient seated shut-off valves at each end of the assembly. To be approved these assemblies must be accessible for inspection and testing and be installed in an above ground location where no part of the assembly will be submerged.
Tester: Shall mean a trained technician certified in the testing and repair of backflow preventers.
Vacuum: Shall mean any absolute pressure less than that exerted by the atmosphere.
Vacuum Breaker: Shall mean a device that permits entrance of air into the water supply distribution line to prevent back-siphonage.
(Ord. 596; Code 2003)
A public potable water supply system shall be designed, installed and maintained in such a manner as to prevent contamination from non-potable sources through cross connection or any piping connection to the system.
(Ord. 596; Code 2003)
Cross connections are prohibited except when and where as approved by the public works director suitable backflow preventers are properly installed, tested and maintained to insure proper operation on a continuing basis.
(Ord. 596; Code 2003)
Interconnection between two (2) or more public water supplies shall be permitted only with the approval of the KDHE.
(K.S.A. 65-163(a); Ord. 596; Code 2003)
Connections between a private water supply and the public potable water are prohibited.
(K.S.A. 65-163(a); Ord. 596; Code 2003)
Potable water connections to boiler feed water systems in which boiler water conditioning chemicals are or can be introduced shall be made through an air gap or through a reduced pressure zone principle backflow preventer located in the potable water line before the point where such chemicals may be introduced.
(Ord. 596; Code 2003)
Connections to the public potable water supply system for the following is prohibited unless properly protected by the appropriate backflow prevention device.
(a) Bidets.
(b) Operating, dissecting, embalming and mortuary tables or similar equipment- in such installations the hose used for water supply shall terminate at least twelve (12) inches away from every point of the table or attachments.
(c) Pumps for non-potable substances. Priming only through an air gap.
(d) Building drains, sewers or vent systems.
(e) Commercial buildings or industrial plants manufacturing or otherwise using polluting or contaminating substances.
(f) Any fixture of similar hazard.
(Ord. 596; Code 2003)
Except when potable water provided for a refrigeration condenser or cooling jacket is entirely outside the piping or tank containing a toxic refrigerant, the inlet connection shall be provided with an approved backflow preventer. Heat exchangers used to heat water for potable use shall be of the double wall size.
(Ord. 596; Code 2003)
The type of protective device required under this article shall be determined by the degree of hazard which exists as follows:
(a) Premises having auxiliary water supply shall protect the public system by either an approved air gap or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly.
(b) Premises having water or substances which would be non-hazardous to the health and wellbeing of the consumers shall protect the public system with no less than an approved double check valve assembly.
(c) Premises where material dangerous to health is handled in a manner which creates an actual or potential hazard shall protect the public system by an approved air gap or an approved reduced pressure principal backflow prevention assembly.
(d) Premises where cross connections are controlled shall protect the public water supply by installing an approved air gap or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device at the service connection.
(e) Premises where because of security requirements or other prohibitions it is impossible to complete an in plant cross connection inspection the public system shall be protected by an approved air gap or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly.
Premises which may fall into one or more of the above mentioned categories may be, but are not limited to the following:
(a) Beverage bottling plants;
(b) Buildings - hotels, apartments, public or private buildings, or other structures having actual potential cross connections;
(c) Car wash facilities.
(d) Chemical manufacturing, handling or processing plants.
(e) Chemically contaminated water.
(f) Dairies and cold storage facilities.
(g) Film or photography processing laboratories.
(h) Fire systems.
(i) Hospitals, medical centers, morgues, mortuaries, autopsy facilities, clinics or nursing and convalescent homes.
(j) Irrigation systems.
(k) Laundries.
(l) Metal cleaning, processing or fabricating plants.
(m) Oil and gas production, storage or transmission facilities.
(n) Packing or food processing plants.
(o) Paper and paper products plants.
(p) Power plants.
(q) Radioactive materials plants or handling facilities.
(r) Restricted or classified facilities.
(s) Rubber plants.
(t) Sand, gravel or asphalt plants.
(u) Schools and colleges.
(v) Sewage and storm drainage facilities and reclaimed water systems.
(w) Solar heating systems.
(x) Temporary service – fire hydrants, air valves, blowoffs and other outlets.
(y) Water front marinas.
(Ord. 596; Code 2003)
Approved devices shall be installed at all fixtures and equipment where backflow or back-siphonage may occur and where a minimum air gap between the potable water outlet and the fixture or equipment flood-level rim cannot be maintained. Backflow and back-siphonage devices of all types shall be in an accessible location. Installation in pits or any other location not properly drained shall be prohibited, except that dual check valves may be installed in the meter box.
(a) Connections not subject to backpressure. Where a water connection is not subject to back pressure, a vacuum breaker shall be installed on the discharge side of the last valve on the line serving the fixture or equipment. A list of some conditions requiring protective devices of this kind are given in the following table titled Cross Connections Where Protective Devices are Required.
Cross Connections Where Protective Devices are Required and Critical Level (C-L) Settings for Vacuum Breakers
Aspirators and
ejectors |
C-L at least 6
in. above flood level of receptacle served. |
Dental units |
On models
without built-in vacuum breakers--C-L at least 6 in. above flood level rim of
bowl. |
dishwashing machines |
C-L at least 6
in. above flood level of machines. Installed on both hot and cold water
supply lines. |
Garbage can
cleaning machines |
C-L at least 6
in. above flood level of machine. Installed on both hot and cold water supply
lines. |
Hose outlets |
C-L at least 6
in. above highest point on hose line |
laundry machines |
C-L at least 6
in. above flood level of machine. Installed on both hot and cold water supply
lines. |
Lawn sprinklers |
C-L at least 6
in. above highest sprinkler head or discharge outlet. |
Steam tables |
C-L at least 6
in. above flood level rim. |
Tanks and vats |
C-L at least 6
in. above flood level rim or line. |
Trough urinals |
C-L at least 30
in. above perforated flush pipe. |
Flush tanks |
Equipment with
approved ball cock, installed according to manufacturer’s instructions. |
Hose bibs |
C-L at least
6-in. above flood level of receptacle served. |
(b) Connections Subject to Backpressure. Where a potable water connection is made to a line, fixture, tank, vat pump or other equipment with a hazard of backflow or backsiphonage where the water connection is subject to backpressure, and an air gap cannot be installed, the public works director may require the use of an approved reduced pressure principle backflow preventer. A partial list of such connections is shown in the following table “Partial List of Cross Connections Subject to Backpressure”.
Chemical lines |
Pumps |
Dock water
outlets |
Steam lines |
Individual water
supplies |
Swimming pools |
process water lines |
Tanks and Vats -
bottom inlets |
Pressure tanks |
Hose bibs |
(c) Barometric Loop. Water connections where an actual or potential back-siphonage hazard exists may in lieu of devices specified above be provided with a barometric loop. Barometric loops shall provide the point of connection.
(d) Dual Check Valve. Dual Check Valves may be installed at the meter. These valves shall be inspected and repaired not less than every third year. These valves shall be installed only in situations where the public works director is assured that the only contaminating substances are subject to backflow into the potable system.
(e) Vacuum Breakers. Atmospheric vacuum breakers shall be installed with the critical level at least six (6) inches above the flood rim of the fixture they serve on the discharge side of the control valve to the fixture. No shut off valve or faucet shall be installed beyond the atmospheric vacuum breaker. Pressure vacuum breakers shall be installed with the critical level at least twelve (12) inches above the flood rim but may have control valves downstream from the vacuum breaker. For closed equipment or vessels such as pressure sterilizers the top of the vessel shall be considered the discharge side of the pressure vacuum breaker.
(Ord. 596; Code 2003)
It shall be the responsibility of the building and premises owners to maintain all backflow preventers and vacuum breakers within the building or on the premises in good working order and to make sure no piping or other arrangements have been installed for the purpose of bypassing backflow devices. Testing and repair of these devices should be made by qualified technicians. (Qualified technicians are those who have completed a KDHE approved training course and have passed a written examination such as the American Backflow Prevention Association device testers examination.) The public works director shall certify the device testers after ascertaining the technician meets the above qualifications. The public works director will also ensure the proper installation of all backflow preventers and will set appropriate testing and overhaul schedules for such devices. Testing intervals shall not exceed one (1) year and overhaul intervals shall not exceed five (5) years. Testing filing fees shall be provided for in Chapter 17. If a test report is not filed fourteen (14) days after the annual device test anniversary date, a monthly fine as provided for in Chapter 17 shall be added to the owner’s utility statement until such time as the report is filed.
(a) Certified Tester/Repair Technicians. All certified tester/repair technicians shall be recertified at no less than three (3) year intervals.
(Ord. 596; Code 2003; Code 2019)
The public works director shall notify the owner or authorized agent of the owner, of a building or premises in which there is found a violation of this article, of such violation. The public works director or his/her designee shall set a reasonable time for the owner to have the violation corrected. If the owner fails to correct the violation within the specified time the city shall cease delivery of water to the building or premises until the violation shall be satisfactorily corrected. Violations of this article shall result in fines being imposed upon conviction thereof by the municipal court judge of the city.
(Ord. 596; Code 2003)
Customers shall be responsible for any accidental of willful damage to water meters, their connections, meter box and cover, or associated equipment, whether by their own acts or those of others not in the employ of the city, and they shall protect the meter from freezing and hot water. In the event of accidental or willful damage from any of the causes herein mentioned, the customer shall promptly notify the department which shall make the necessary repairs and charge the same to the customer, which charge shall be billed and payable on the succeeding monthly bill. No trees, bushes, shrubs, fences, structures, or other obstructions shall be located within two feet of the meter box in order to keep the meter accessible. The city reserves the right to require check or relief valves to be installed upon all services as determined by the public works director or his/her designee.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-125; Code 2022)
It shall be unlawful to cover or conceal or cause to be covered or concealed any city entry access covers with any type of debris such as dirt, grass, grass clippings, rocks, tree limbs, wood, scrap iron, cars. The covering of an access cover shall be a misdemeanor or hold the property owner liable for all damages resulting to the access cover or caused by preventing or delaying access to such cover in emergency situations when the property owner fences in the easement with their property and creates such violation.
(Code 2003)
Water bills for water service rendered by the city become due and payable at the office of the city clerk on the 1st of each month as specified on the billing date thereon at the office of the city clerk. Any bill which shall remain unpaid after the 20th of the month shall become delinquent and a late charge of five percent (5%) of the bill shall accrue. When any water customer shall for any unjustified reason fail to pay when due any account for water service rendered, it shall be the duty of the city clerk to mail a delinquency notice to the customer. The delinquent customer shall have at least five (5) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, from the date the notice was mailed to pay the delinquent account in full. The notice shall indicate:
(a) The amount due, plus late charges;
(b) The type of service and the date on which such service will be terminated if the amount due is not paid (to be at least five (5) days from the date of notice);
(c) The customer’s right to a hearing, if requested;
(d) That such hearing must be requested in writing, filed with the city clerk, at least three (3) working days (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded) before the date for termination. Upon receipt of a request for such hearing the city clerk shall immediately advise the applicant customer of the date and the time of the hearing.
The applicant, customer, and the city, may present such evidence as is pertinent to the issue, may be represented by counsel, may examine and cross-examine witnesses, but formal rules of evidence shall not be followed.
If the officer before whom the hearing is held shall find service should not be terminated, he or she shall so order and advise the city clerk. If the officer finds service should be terminated, he or she shall so order, and the customer shall be notified in person, posting notice on the premises by attaching a red tag or by mail, unless such order is made at the hearing in the presence of the customer. Extension of the termination date, up to ten (10) working days from the order, may be granted by the hearing officer for good cause shown.
Hearing may be conducted by any of the following officers: The public works director, the city clerk, the director of governmental services or such hearing officer as may be appointed by the mayor. The decision of the hearing officer can be appealed to the governing body for review and the decision of the body shall be final when the matter shall have been heard by it.
(Ord. 551; Code 2003)
The director of public works or his/her designee shall hear and determine adjustments of water bills in connection with leaks and/or defects in customer service lines within the city limits. The director of public works or his/her designee have set forth a policy to adjust bills as heretofore mentioned. The director of public works or his/her designee is hereby authorized, upon approval of the governing body, to amend such policy from time to time as the best interest of the city and customers may appear or dictate.
Upon discovery of a leak existing within that portion of a property’s water system for which the property owner is responsible, the City may immediately disconnect service or may serve a notice to repair the leak to the account holder by registered mail, personal notice, or by posting notice upon the property. If notice to repair is issued, such leak shall be repaired within seven (7) days of the date on the notice. Failure to repair the leak within seven (7) days as directed will result in the disconnection of water service. Service shall not be reconnected until the leak is repaired.
(Ord. 725; Code 2003; Code 2024)
When a consumer requests that his or her water meter be tested for accuracy, the city shall replace said meter at no cost to the consumer if said meter, after testing, is found to be in faulty working condition and inaccurate. However, if the meter is found to be accurate and in good working condition, a service charge as set out in Chapter 17 shall be charged for each request within a one (1) year period, shall be made to the consumer by the public works director and be payable at the office of the city clerk and deposited in the appropriate funds of the city. The public works director shall maintain a permanent record of all water meters tested.
(Ord. 551; Code 2003; Code 2007)
There is hereby established by the governing body a petty cash fund for the use of the water department. The fund shall be deposited in a depository bank of the city and paid out on checks drawn on such fund by the city clerk as provided by law.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-129; Code 1984)
In cases that are not specifically provided for herein, the public works director is authorized to make special written rules or requirements which shall be binding upon the city and the water customers, the same as if incorporated herein, when the same shall have been approved by the governing body.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-130)
When the owners of any subdivision or area, platted and developed for residential sites or planned for such development, shall request the governing body to annex such subdivision or area to the territorial limits of the city, such owners shall, at their own cost, construct or cause to be constructed, complete water distribution facilities that shall comply with all city codes and specifications for the entire subdivision or area so to be annexed and to convey and transfer to the city the ownership of and title to such water distribution facilities upon the acceptance by the city of the development plat and annexation of the subdivision or area involved.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-131; Code 1984)
All applicants for connection to the city’s water system shall furnish to the city a detailed map of the proposed system sufficient to permit the city to know generally the nature of the user’s system. This map will be submitted for a plan review and written approval by the public works director or his or her designee. At such time as the system is completed, the applicant shall provide a detailed engineering “as built” map at no cost to the city.
(Code 1984)
The city will not hereafter annex to the city any subdivision or area platted and developed for residential sites or planned for such development without requiring the owners of such subdivision or area to enter into an agreement of the kind referred to in section 15-143 of this article.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-132)
Any residence, family unit, dwelling unit, apartment or commercial building which is or shall be connected to the water system of the city and is connected to or shall be connected to the sewer system and sewage disposal facilities of the city shall maintain both the connection with the city’s water system and the connection with the city’s sewer system as long as such service is available, and the owner or occupant thereof shall remain liable for the payment of minimum water and minimum sewer fees and charges as established by the governing body.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-133)
Nothing in this article shall prevent a customer of the city’s municipal water system from using water from wells or other source for irrigation, the watering of lawns or gardens, or other use except household uses. The permit fee for water wells shall be as set out in Chapter 17.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-134; Code 1984; Code 2007)
No residence or customer of the city’s water system may create any system of water piping, water connections or cross connections within or outside a dwelling which will in any way permit the commingling of water from the city’s water system with any water obtained from other sources.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-135)
The city reserves the right to restrict or prohibit the use of water and to specify the purposes for which it may be used whenever the public works director determines the public exigency so requires.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-136; Code 1984)
Whenever the governing body, upon the recommendation of the public works director, determines that water use must be restricted or prohibited, they shall forthwith issue a proclamation of emergency through the news media and use other appropriate methods of making public the proclamation.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-137; Code 1984)
In the event a proclamation of emergency is issued, water usage will be restricted or prohibited first for uses in the following priority:
(a) Watering lawns, gardens, trees, shrubs, plants, and watering outside dwellings for such purposes as car, boat or trailer washing or washing exterior of dwellings;
(b) Industrial uses of water, including but not limited to car wash operations and packing plant operations;
(c) Business uses other than industrial;
(d) Home uses other than those set forth in subsection (a).
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-138; Code 1984)
Fire hydrants shall be located no further than seven (7) feet from the curb line of the street and the height of the lowest discharge cap shall be no lower than fifteen (15) inches from the finished grade of the ground.
(Code 1984)
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article, shall upon conviction thereof be fined in accordance with the provisions in this code in section 1-121.
(Code 1971, Sec. 12-139; Code 1984; Code 2003)
The city shall not be liable to the property owner for any damage to any items or constructed material located on the public right-of-way when such damage is caused by or results in whole or in part from construction, reconstruction, repair or maintenance work, performed by city forces.
(Code 2022)