CHAPTER 15. UTILITIESCHAPTER 15. UTILITIES\Article 7. Stormwater Management System and Utility

In addition to the words, terms and phrases defined elsewhere within this code, the following words, terms and phrases, as used herein, shall have the following meanings:

(a)   Bonds means obligations of the City, for which the principal of and the interest on is paid in whole or in part from special assessments, user fees, sales tax, general ad valorem taxes, or any available City or Stormwater Utility revenues heretofore or hereafter issued to finance the Costs of Capital Improvements.

(b)   City means the City of Haysville, Kansas.

(c)   Costs of Capital Improvements means costs incurred by the Stormwater Utility in providing capital improvements as part of the Stormwater Management Program, including, without limitation, alteration, enlargement, extension, improvement, construction, reconstruction, and development of the Public Storm Sewers, professional services and studies connected therewith; principal and interest on Bonds heretofore or hereafter issued, including payment of any delinquencies; studies related to the operation of the system; costs related to water quality enhancements, costs related to complying with federal, state or local regulations; acquisition of real and personal property by purchase, lease, donation, condemnation or otherwise; and for the costs associated with purchasing equipment, computers, furniture and all other items necessary or convenient for the operations of the Stormwater Utility.

(d)   Debt Service means an amount equal to the sum of all interest payable on Bonds during any fiscal year or years, and any principal installments payable on the Bonds during such fiscal year or years.

(e)   Director means the Director of the City’s Public Works Department or the Director’s designee.

(f)   Director of Governmental Services means the Director of Governmental Services of the City or the Director of Governmental Services’ designee.

(g)   Dwelling Unit means an enclosure containing sleeping, kitchen and bathroom facilities designed for and used or held ready for use as a permanent residence by one Family, as defined in Chapter 16, Article 4, of the Haysville Municipal Code.

(h)   Equivalent Residential Unit or ERU means a unit of measure that is equal to the average Impervious Area per Dwelling Unit located on Residential Property within the City limits.

(i)    Equivalent Residential Unit Rate or ERU Rate means the amount charged for each ERU in calculating the Stormwater Utility User Fee.

(j)    Exempt Property means public right-of-way, public trails, public streets, public alleys, public sidewalks, and public lands and/or easements in or upon which the Public Storm Sewers are constructed and/or located.

(k)   Fiscal Year means a twelve-month period commencing on the first day of January of any year.

(l)    Governing Body means the Governing Body of the City.

(m)  Impervious Area means the total number of square feet of hard surface area on a given property that either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil matrix, or causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow, than it would enter under conditions similar to those on undeveloped land. Impervious Area includes but is not limited to, roofs, roof extensions, driveways, pavement and athletic courts.

(n)   Nonresidential Property means all property other than Single Family Property.

(o)   Operating Budget means the annual budget established for the Stormwater Utility for the succeeding Fiscal Year.

(p)   Operations and Maintenance means, without limitation, the current expenses, paid or secured, by the Stormwater Utility, for operation, maintenance and repair and minor replacement of the Public Storm Sewers or for implementing the Stormwater Management Program, as calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, and includes, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, insurance premiums, administrative expenses including professional services, equipment costs, labor costs, and the cost of materials and supplies used for current operations.

(q)   Public Storm Sewers means all storm sewers within the City, and all appurtenances and ancillary structures thereto, which have been dedicated to and accepted by the City for ownership and maintenance or otherwise owned by the City.

(r)    Residential Property means property used primarily for Single Family Dwelling Units.

(s)   Stormwater Management Program means all aspects of work necessary to perform and provide storm and surface water services in the City, including but not limited to administration, planning, engineering, operations, maintenance, best management practices, control measures, public education, citizen participation, regulation and enforcement, protection, and capital improvement of Stormwater Management Systems, plus such expenses as reserves and bond debt service coverage as are associated with provision of the Stormwater Management Program and/or System.

(t)    Stormwater Management System, means surface water and storm sewers and all appurtenances necessary in the maintenance, operation, regulation, and improvement of the same, including, but not limited to, pumping stations; enclosed storm sewers; outfall sewers; surface drains; street, curb and alley improvements associated with storm or surface water improvements; natural and manmade wetlands; channels; ditches; rivers; streams; detention and retention facilities; and other flood control facilities and works for the collection, conveyance, pumping, infiltration, treating, controlling, managing and disposing of water carried pollutants or storm or surface water.

(u)   Stormwater Utility means the utility created by this article for the purpose of implementing and funding the Stormwater Management Program.

(v)   Stormwater Utility User Fee means a fee authorized by Charter Ordinance No. 18 and this article, charged to owners of property served and benefited by the Stormwater Utility, which may be updated or modified by Resolution approved by the Governing Body.

(w)  Undeveloped Land means land that has not been built upon or altered from its natural condition in a manner that disturbed or altered the topography or soils on the property to the degree that the entrance of water into the soil matrix is prevented or retarded.

(a)   The City of Haysville, Kansas, desires to create a Stormwater Management Program pursuant to Charter Ordinance No. 18.

(b)   A Stormwater Management Program will provide both general and specific benefits to all property within the City and will include the provision of adequate systems of collection, conveyance, detention, retention, treatment and release of stormwater; the reduction of hazards to property and life resulting from stormwater runoff; improvement in general health and welfare through reduction of undesirable stormwater conditions; improvement of water quality in the Stormwater Management System and its receiving waters; the provision of a planned and orderly system for managing and mitigating the effects of new development on stormwater and appropriate balancing between development and preservation of the natural environment.

(c)   The Stormwater Management Program will also initiate innovative and proactive approaches to stormwater management within the City to address problems in areas of the City that currently are prone to flooding, protect against replication of these types of problems and the creation of similar problems in newly developing areas of the City, protect property in the City from stream bank erosion and the attendant loss of natural resources and the reduction of property values, conserve natural stream assets within the City, enhance water quality, and assist in meeting the mandates of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System as created under the Federal Clean Water Act and associated state and federal laws and their supporting regulations.

(d)   Both standard and innovative stormwater management is necessary in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare of the residents, businesses and visitors of the City.

(e)   Implementation of the Stormwater Management Program will require the expenditure of significant amounts of public money.

(f)   All property in the City will benefit from the Stormwater Management Program.

(g)   The City desires to fairly distribute costs of the Stormwater Management Program implementation among all developed property which generates the need therefor.

(h)   The City has determined that the establishment of a Stormwater Utility is an appropriate method of funding certain portions of the costs of implementing the Stormwater Management Program.

(i)    The City has adopted Charter Ordinance No. 18, which grants to the City the authority to adopt, by ordinance or resolution, rules and regulations providing for the management and operation of a Stormwater Utility, fixing Stormwater Utility User Fees, requiring security for the payment thereof, providing methods and rules relating to the calculation and collection of the fees and for credits against the fees, and providing for the disposition of the revenues derived therefrom.

(j)    The Stormwater Utility User Fee imposed by this article, is calculated by a formula that reasonably relates classes of property within the City to their anticipated use of or benefit from the Stormwater Management System, and such fee is neither a tax nor a special assessment, but a charge (in the nature of tolls, fees or rents) for services rendered or available.

(k)   The City has researched collection options and hereby determines that in order to promote efficiency, eliminate duplication of services, and utilize the most economically feasible method of fee collection, the Stormwater Utility User Fee shall be billed and collected monthly with the monthly water and sewer utility bill for those properties utilizing other city utilities and shall be billed and collected separately at intervals as set by the Governing Body for those properties not utilizing other city utilities.

Pursuant to City Charter Ordinance No. 18, the City’s general home rule authority, its nuisance abatement authority, its police powers and all other authority, the Haysville Governing Body does hereby create a Stormwater Management Program and does hereby establish a Stormwater Utility and declares its intention to operate the same.

The Director shall have the power to undertake the following activities to implement the Stormwater Management Program:

(a)   Advise the Governing Body on matters relating to the Stormwater Management Program and to make recommendations to the Governing Body concerning the adoption of ordinances, resolutions, policies, guidelines and regulations in furtherance of the objectives of the Stormwater Management Program.

(b)   To undertake studies, acquire data, prepare master plans, analyze policies or undertake such other planning and analyses as may be needed to address concerns related to stormwater within the City and to further the objectives of the Stormwater Management Program, and to undertake activities designed to communicate, educate and involve the public and citizens in addressing these issues or in understanding and abiding by the elements of the Stormwater Management Program.

(c)   Acquire, design, construct, operate, maintain, expand, or replace any element or elements of the Public Storm Sewers, including funding the acquisition of easements by eminent domain, and obtaining title or easements other than by eminent domain, over any real or personal property that is part of, will become part of or will protect the Public Storm Sewers, or is necessary or convenient for the implementation of the Stormwater Management Program.

(d)   Regulate, establish standards, review, and inspect the design, construction or operation and maintenance of any Stormwater Management System that is under the control of private owners, whether or not such systems are required or intended for dedication to the Public Storm Sewer system, when such systems have the potential to impact, enhance, damage, obstruct or affect the operation and maintenance of the Public Storm Sewers or the implementation of the Stormwater Management Program.

(e)   Regulate, establish standards, review and inspect land use or property owner activities when such activities have the potential to affect the quantity, timing, velocity, erosive forces, quality, environmental value or other characteristics of stormwater which would flow into the Stormwater Management System or in any way affect the implementation of the Stormwater Management Program.

(f)   Undertake any activities related to stormwater management when such activities are recommended by applicable federal, state or local agencies or when such activities are required by any permit, regulation, ordinance, or statute governing stormwater or water quality concerns.

(g)   Analyze the cost of services and benefits provided by the Stormwater Utility and the structure of fees, service charges, credits, and other revenues on an annual basis and make recommendations to the Governing Body regarding the same.

(h)   Undertake expenditures as required by the Governing Body to implement these activities, including all Costs of Capital Improvements, Operations and Maintenance, Debt Service, and other costs as required.

The operating budget shall conform with State law, City policy and generally accepted accounting practices. The City, as part of its annual budget process, may adopt capital and operating budgets for the Stormwater Utility, and may utilize enterprise funds, special revenue funds or reserve funds as deemed reasonable and appropriate by the Governing Body of the City. The operating budget will commence in January of each year.

(a)   Fee Established. There is hereby imposed on each and every residential developed property and nonresidential developed property, other than property that is not serviced by the stormwater management system or exempt property, a stormwater utility user fee. Such stormwater utility user fee shall be determined and set in accordance with the ERU and ERU rate both of which shall be established by resolution of the Governing Body and may be amended from time to time by the Governing Body.

(b)   Stormwater utility user fee for Residential Developed Property. The stormwater utility user fee for residential developed property shall be the ERU rate as set forth by Resolution of the Governing Body. In the event of a newly constructed dwelling unit, the charge for the stormwater utility user fee attributable to that dwelling unit shall commence upon the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for that dwelling unit, or if construction is at least fifty percent complete and is halted for a period of three months, then that dwelling unit shall be deemed complete for purposes of this Code and the stormwater utility user fee shall commence at the end of the three-month period.

(c)   Stormwater utility user fee for Nonresidential Developed Property.

(1) The stormwater utility user fee for nonresidential developed property shall be the divided into ten tiers as determined by property size. A standard multiplier shall be associated with each tier, so that the tier shall be charged a fee of the ERU rate times such multiplier.


I.                      0 to 2500 square feet                    ERU x 1.26

II.                     2501 to 5000 sq. feet                    ERU x 2.53

III.                   5001 to 7500 sq. feet                    ERU x 3.79

IV.                   7501 to 10,000 sq. feet                  ERU x 5.05

V.                    10,001 to 20,000 sq. feet              ERU x 10.10

VI.                   20,001 to 30,000 sq. feet              ERU x 15.15

VII.                  30,001 to 40,000 sq. feet              ERU x 20.20

VIII.                 40,001 to 50,000 sq. feet              ERU x 25.25

IX.                   50,001 to 75,000 sq. feet              ERU x 37.88

X.                    75,001+ sq. feet                           ERU x 50.51

(d)   Dwelling Unit and Impervious Surface Calculation. The Director or Director’s designee shall initially, and from time to time, determine the number of dwelling units located on residential developed property within the City in order to provide the information to the Governing Body necessary to establish the stormwater utility user fee provided by subsection B of this section. Nonresidential real property in the city shall have its square footage of impervious area calculated in order to establish the stormwater utility user fee provided by subsection C of this section. The Director or the Director’s designee shall make the initial calculation and may from time to time change this calculation from such information and data deemed pertinent by the Director or the Director’s designee at the direction of the Governing Body;

(e)   Stormwater utility user fee Credit. The Governing Body may by resolution adopt guidelines that establish credits and/or incentives that reduce the stormwater utility user fee that would otherwise be assessed against properties that utilize privately owned and maintained retention or detention facilities, if it is determined that the existence of such retention or detention facilities results in a reduction in the operating budget of the utility.

(a)   Any persons disagreeing with the calculation of the Stormwater utility user fee, disagreeing with whether their property is served by the Stormwater Utility or who believe they are entitled to a credit pursuant to guidelines adopted by the City Council, may appeal such calculation or finding to the Director. Appeals must be in writing. The Director or his/her designee shall thereafter hold an informal hearing. The Director or designee, prior to such hearing, may request that the appealing party provide information concerning the basis of the appeal, including a land survey prepared by a registered surveyor showing Dwelling Units, total property area, and Impervious Area as appropriate, if such information is deemed to be material by the Director or designee. Based on information provided, the Director or designee shall make a determination as to whether the Stormwater utility user fee should be adjusted or eliminated for such property. The Director shall notify parties in writing of the Director’s or his/her designee’s decision.


(1)   A person shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Director to the Stormwater Appeals Board. Such appeal shall be made within twenty days of the date the Director notifies the person of the Director’s decision in the informal proceedings. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the director.

(2)   The Stormwater Appeals Board shall consist of the following members: Chief Administrative Officer and the City Clerk.

(3)   A hearing on such appeal shall be held within thirty days from the date the notice of appeal is received and the applicant shall be given seven days’ advance notice of the time and date the appeal hearing is to be held. Although the standards of a court of law are not necessary for this administrative appeals hearing, generally, the appellant shall present evidence concerning the stormwater utility user fee for the property in question and the Director and/or his/her designee shall present evidence concerning their findings from the informal proceedings. The Stormwater Appeals Board shall render a decision in writing that sets forth findings that support their decision within seven days of the hearing.

If the decision of the Stormwater Appeals Board is not resolved to the satisfaction of the appellant, the appellant may make a written appeal of the decision of the Stormwater Appeals Board to the Mayor within five days of the receipt of the decision of the Stormwater Appeals Board. Such appeal shall be filed through the City Clerk. Based on the written testimony, reports, file documents, etc., the Mayor shall make a decision within five working days of the receipt of the appeal and provide a written response to the appellant. This response shall serve as the final administrative decision of the City.

The decision of the Mayor shall be final and any further appeal of such decision shall be to the Eighteenth Judicial District Court of the state of Kansas by way of the provisions of K.S.A. 60-2101(d).

(Code 2019)

(a)   The operation and maintenance of the stormwater utility shall be combined with the existing water/wastewater utility. The stormwater utility user fee shall be billed and collected monthly with the monthly water and sewer utility bill for those properties utilizing other city utilities and shall be billed and collected separately at intervals as set by the director for those properties not utilizing other city utilities. The stormwater utility user fee for those properties utilizing other city utilities shall be part of a consolidated statement for utility customers which shall be paid by a single monthly payment. In the event that a partial payment is received, the payment shall be applied to the water and sewer portion of the account first and then to the stormwater utility user fee portion of the account. Unless otherwise provided for herein, all bills for stormwater utility user fees shall become due and payable in accordance with sections of the code of the city and with rules and regulations that pertain to the Haysville water and sewer utility that relates to the collection of utility charges. Stormwater utility user fee bills for any given property shall initially be the responsibility of the person who is paying for water and/or sewer service for the property. If the property is not using water and/or sewer services, then stormwater utility user fees shall be the responsibility of the person in possession of the property, unless other arrangements are made. If no person is in possession of the property, then the stormwater utility user fees shall be the responsibility of the property owner. The property owner is responsible for the stormwater utility user fees not paid by the occupant.

(b)   Stormwater utility user fees shall be subject to a penalty for late payment which is the same as that imposed for late payment of water and sewer utility charges. In addition to any other remedies or penalties provided by this chapter or any other ordinance of the city, failure of any user of the stormwater management system to pay such charges promptly when due shall subject such user to discontinuance of water services and the Director of Governmental Services, or his/her designee, is empowered and directed to enforce this provision as to any and all delinquent users in accordance with provision(s) applicable to Water and Sewer Utility Services.

(c)   Stormwater utility user fees authorized to be charged in this chapter when delinquent may be certified by the clerk of the city to the county clerk of Sedgwick County to be placed on the tax roll for collection, subject to the same penalties and to be collected in like manner as other taxes, and such charges shall, thereafter, constitute a lien upon the real estate served by the stormwater utility and against which such charges were made, regardless of whether the stormwater utility user fees were incurred when a property owner was in possession of the property or a nonowner was in possession of the property.

Stormwater utility user fees collected by the city shall be paid into an enterprise, special revenue fund, and/or reserve fund which will be known as the “stormwater utility fund.” Such fund shall be used for the purpose of paying the extension and replacement, operations and maintenance and debt service of the stormwater management system and to carry out all other purposes of the utility.